You’ve probably heard the story. The one where your husband gives up chocolate for a week and drops ten pounds. While you eat a single piece of candy and gain two.
So it’s not just age that’s to blame.
No matter how hard we try to shift the unwanted pounds, menopause has its own plans. One where every calorie we eat goes straight to our hips.
Having to accept a new body you didn’t ask for is hard. But when we try everything and nothing works, it can feel like the only option.
But when we understand the who, what, where and why we are one step closer to being comfortable in our own skin again.
Menopausal weight gain is no myth. But we can still bust it. Discover why your body is holding onto the pounds. And how to drop off the excess baggage.
There’s no secret surrounding the importance of hormones in the functioning of the body. And it is certainly the case when it comes to menopause.
Everybody always talks about the hormonal changes that occur in menopause. But there is one pivotal player when it comes to weight changes and that is estrogen.
Estrogen is responsible for bone health, cognitive and cardiovascular function. Alongside its key role in the reproductive system. But its levels decrease during menopause.
This change in hormone levels means things don’t operate as smoothly. In turn, causing a whole lot of physical changes in the body. And one it is notorious for… weight gain.
In fact, weight gain is one of the most common symptoms of menopause. Studies show that 50% of women experience it. Throughout perimenopause women gain 1.5kg per year. So by the time menopause finally strikes, the average woman has gained 10kg (1).
And what is more unfortunate? Most of this weight gain gathers around the abdominal area as visceral fat (2). A highly dangerous area to carry extra weight. Putting us at additional risk of weight related health issues such as type 2 diabetes.
Menopausal women not only have to deal with the physical changes they see in the mirror. But also the sinister health ones too.
Throughout menopause, women also lose muscle mass. And while we may have never wanted to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger anyway…. muscle loss is not great news. Especially when it comes to losing weight.
The more muscle the body has, the more calories needed. So as we lose muscle, we don’t need as many calories. Any excess calories will not get used and the body stores them as fat. Essentially, the metabolism slows right down.
So while we may have used to get away with that cheeky biscuit… or three, our menopausal bodies are no longer as forgiving.
Menopause can make good sleep seem like a long, distant memory. And if that wasn’t enough of a problem already, it increases the difficulty of weight loss.
When we are sleep deprived, we are less likely to have as much energy. Without energy, it’s harder to keep up with exercise that may help burn some extra calories.
And when we are exhausted, we are more likely to crave higher calorie foods. All to try and increase energy levels from the lack of sleep. So this means we eat more and move less… and still don’t sleep.
A little spoken about but a big problem for menopausal women. With up to 50% of women experiencing menopausal arthralgia and joint pain (3).
Let’s face it, when we are in pain, we are less likely to want to hit the treadmill or dash off to yoga. That’s a normal, human physical response. Trying to protect our bodies from further pain. But it is a double edged sword.
Especially when it comes to weight loss. We need to keep the body moving to burn more calories and keep pain away. But when joint pain strikes, it can be hard to even get out of bed.
The hormonal haywire we experience throughout menopause can cause changes in mood. But not only that, if we don’t like the physical changes we see in the mirror then we can begin to feel down about ourselves. And the phrase comfort eating exists for a reason.
Those donuts and tasty biscuits can give us a little dopamine buzz. Often making the temptation of tasty calorific foods harder to resist. Despite the will to lose weight.
It’s no shock that all of the above would make anyone extremely stressed. Whether you are feeling down in the dumps about menopausal weight gain. Or you never feel well rested. Or your joints are always aching. Or all of them. Well, it wouldn’t make the happiest person on Earth feel fabulous.
This extra stress can increase the stress hormone, cortisol. Yay for us. Another hormonal issue that plummets our weight loss attempts.
Higher cortisol levels are associated with unhealthy weight gain (4). Especially dangerous visceral fat around the abdomen.
Calories in versus calories out. The age old mathematical equation to weight loss. While it is very basic advice, it can have dramatic results.
Due to the loss of muscle, you may not be burning as many calories as you think. Or counting the calories from that glass of wine or dash of olive oil. But unfortunately, these things really do matter in the grand scheme of weight loss.
It is always important to eat healthily and nutritiously. But to lose stubborn pounds we must also be in a calorie deficit. This means burning more calories than we consume.
Thankfully there are lots of online trackers and apps that can be a useful tool on your weight loss journey. Helping you keep in a consistent but healthy deficit that suits the needs of your body.
No shock. But it comes with the territory of creating a calorie deficit. When we move our bodies, we are helping it to burn off more energy than we can consume.
Matched with the right diet, it can help shift the unwanted fat. Alongside building muscle mass and bone density, helping our metabolism and bone health.
Plus those endorphins feel great.
While diet and exercise are great for weight loss, menopause makes this a huge challenge. So by taking Inner Harmony, you can make the menopause weight loss journey a smoother ride.
Inner Harmony can help you regain control. Helping you to sleep better means having more energy. More energy means a better mood. Less bloating means looking and feeling slimmer. All helping you make healthier food choices and move more. Shedding those unwanted menopausal pounds.
Helping you love your reflection in the mirror again. And even fit into that old pair of jeans.
There is no doubt that menopause can make weight loss more difficult. But there are ways we can take action.
Be sure to know that there are ways you can help yourself feel good in your skin again. While weight loss can be overwhelming, Inner Harmony is here to make the journey easier. Beating the worst of menopause and leaving the excess baggage at the drop off for good.
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.