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How Menopausal Estrogen Loss Ages Your Skin

AdminBy Dina Anderson

Date iconMarch 22, 2024

Category: Ease Perimenopause

A woman examines her face, touching her cheek, while looking in a mirror in a bright room.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, is my skin just menopausal after all?

When it comes to conversations about menopause, it’s hard to get away from the word hormones. It’s not all about hot flashes and clammy sleep.

And it’s no different for our skin. No matter what we do, we just can’t seem to get away from the signs of aging. Whether it’s the dreaded jowls or merciless marionette lines. You look in the mirror and simply don’t recognise yourself anymore.

Whether we like it or not, these hormonal changes happen. And they can cause huge discomfort and distress. Especially for the appearance of our once youthful complexion.

Hormones and Menopausal Skin Changes

Estrogen levels begin to decline a whopping decade before menopause officially begins. And as you can imagine, this has an entire ripple effect on functions in the body… and your skin.

Without as much estrogen, collagen and elastin begin to decrease. The important proteins that work together to help the structure of your skin. And without them, things really do fall apart.

When menopause finally arrives, these proteins deplete even further. Women lose up to 30% of skin collagen in the first five years of menopause. And even then, we can’t win. As studies have shown women lose 2% collagen every year for the next twenty years after. 

With all these hormonal changes occurring, it’s no wonder our skin changes. So let’s dig deeper below the skin surface and find out why we see these common menopausal skin changes.

Skin Changes in Menopause

Sagging, Wrinkles and Loss of Skin Elasticity 

Throughout menopause, we know that collagen significantly decreases. Collagen is a vital protein in many functions of the human body. But also, our skin.

As it decreases, the skin can no longer hold itself together like it used to. It’s like a game of Jenga. When you remove one piece, the building gets shakier. There’s only so many blocks you can remove until it eventually collapses.

It’s like this for the skin with the proteins collagen and elastin. As their levels reduce, the structure of our skin falls apart.

Without enough collagen, the skin loses its tone, volume and elasticity. Without collagen to give strength to the skin, it loses its tightness. Worsening wrinkles and fine lines. Plus giving us jowls and slack skin we didn’t ask for. 

Dry, Itchy and Scaly Skin

Estrogen is essential in the skin’s hydration system. It plays an important role in helping skin produce ceramides. Ceramides act as a defense shield around the epidermal skin cells. So without them, disruption of the skin barrier occurs.

Due to loss of estrogen, the skin no longer produces as much sebum or hyaluronic acid. All which make it significantly harder for your skin to retain moisture. And without enough moisture, the skin lacks hydration. It can no longer exfoliate itself efficiently.

This leaves us with the aging aftermath. The skin can become rough, dry and scaly. And when skin is dry, it can get real itchy too.

Sunspots, Dark Spots and Hyperpigmentation

Less estrogen means less melanin. And melanin is like the body’s very own built in sun block. So without enough of it, we are more susceptible to sun damage.

The reduction in the production of collagen and elastin leave the skin vulnerable. The skin is thinner and sun spots can present more visibly. And the skin becomes even more sun sensitive.

While SPF and sunscreen is a skincare must have now, it hasn’t always been that way. Any sun damage accumulated over our younger years can catch up with us. Becoming increasingly more visible during menopause. Creating an uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation.

Acne and Breakouts

The thing we were told would get better after puberty. But when you start to break out as an adult, you realize you were deceived.

This is often seen in perimenopause. Likely caused by the imbalance between testosterone and estrogen levels. Resulting in skin we thought was buried with our teenage years. Appearing once again or even for the first time in adulthood.

It can feel very strange having problems with jowls and hormonal acne, all at the same time. It’s not what we are taught about when it comes to the skin circle of life. But unfortunately, it is a common skin complaint through the menopausal stages.

How to Deal With Menopausal Skin Changes 

While we may wish we could just scrub away the things we don’t like just like erasers on a whiteboard- it’s not so simple. But thankfully, there are ways we can improve the aging appearance of skin from menopause.

Doctors and Dermatologists

You can always chat to a doctor about medical options. Including the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT replaces declining estrogen levels which are a primary cause of aging skin.

Discuss your options about prescription strength retinoids such as tretinoin with a dermatologist. This can also help improve the appearance of aging skin no thanks to menopause.  And also help combat pesky adult acne.

Moisturize Regularly

Menopausal skin can no longer naturally retain moisture like before. It is essential to keep skin hydrated. But a lot of moisturizers don’t contain what your skin actually needs to hydrate itself.

Using the Facial Regeneration Cream by CellaMD is an ideal option. Lock in moisture and watch the wrinkles melt away. It has everything the skin needs, and not just on the surface. It works by treating the cause, deep at the source below the skin.

With its core ingredient being ‘Ageless Apple’ External Extract. Proven to target epidermal aging. Rejuvenating youthful tightness, firmness and glow to the skin. It’s the perfect product to add to your anti-aging skin care routine.

Sun Protection

With the decrease in melanin and thinner skin from menopause, it’s always important to wear a good SPF. Protect yourself from sun damage and worsening signs of aging on the skin.


While we may not be able to stop menopause, we can work to stop the aging skin changes. Estrogen loss shouldn’t mean we have to lose who we are too. We deserve to feel confident and beautiful in our skin, no matter our age.

Firm, tight and smooth skin is well hydrated skin. And well hydrated skin is plump, radiant and glowing. So by adding Facial Regeneration Cream to your routine, your skin can bounce back. Wear a good SPF to say no more aging skin to menopausal melanin decrease. And know that you can always discuss other treatment options with a doctor. Whether that’s HRT, or prescription strength retinoids.

Either way, you have options. Options that can help restore your skin and your confidence. Helping rebuild a revitalized and rejuvenated complexion reminiscent of our younger years. After all, we are as young as we feel. Feel and look younger by saying no more to menopausal skin changes.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2685269/
  2. https://www.aad.org/public/everyday-care/skin-care-secrets/anti-aging/skin-care-during-menopause#:~:text=Jowls%2C%20slack%20skin%2C%20and%20wrinkles&text=Studies%20show%20that%20women%27s%20skin,firmness%20and%20begins%20to%20sag
  3. https://www.boots.com/skincare-beauty-advice/skincare-advice/skin-concerns/skincare-during-menopause
  4. https://www.balance-menopause.com/menopause-library/skin-changes-during-menopause-factsheet/
  5. https://www.mymenopausecentre.com/blog/davina-mccalls-menopause-skincare-secrets/
  6. https://www.mymenopausecentre.com/symptoms/skin-changes/
  7. https://hormonehealth.co.uk/skin-changes-during-menopause

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