I’ve saved the best for last! Now this cream is so powerful, it will make your wrinkles practically invisible. Plus you can firm up thin, fragile skin around the face and neck and bring back a youthful, glowing complexion.
Facial Regeneration Cream works to help increase how quickly skin cells can regenerate. And it’s all thanks to this superstar ingredient “Eternal Extract”. The world’s first and only natural stem cell extract from special apples that can give women the skin of their dreams.
This skin regeneration formula is enhanced by resveratrol, alpha-glucan, and hydrolyzed marine collagen so you can get even faster results.
Now you can use this daily routine to fool the world into thinking you’re a much younger woman and smooth out the appearance of wrinkles for good!
Wrinkles seem to appear out of nowhere, but there is a lengthy process that is actually behind their formation.
For many people, their first thought after noticing wrinkles on the skin is wondering how to get rid of them. But is that possible? And, if so, how can you do that?
Unfortunately, there are no time machines that we can use to go back in time so we can avoid the “skin damaging encounters” with the world that caused our skin to wrinkle.
Like air pollution… sun exposure… diet… alcohol.
The good news is, with the right knowledge and products, erasing wrinkles is definitely possible. However, it’s important to keep in mind that, just as wrinkles on skin didn’t appear overnight, they also won’t disappear overnight either.
The key is committing to a routine and sticking with it, instead of stopping once you notice a small difference.
You see, one of the main reasons as to why the skin wrinkles and sags in the first place is because the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin you can see in the mirror) starts to thin at a worrying 6.4% a decade.
Combine this with more dead skin cells sitting on the surface and many of us look much older than our true age.
We call this epidermal aging and CellaMD's Facial Regeneration Cream was designed specifically to target epidermal aging so women had an easy way to banish wrinkles and saggy skin around the face and neck.
The cream works to help increase how quickly skin cells can “regenerate,” safely and painlessly helping you to return your skin to its previous, youthful appearance in no time.
There are a few ingredients to look for that have been proven especially useful in helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on skin – resveratrol and collagen more specifically.
However, one of the most potentially effective is a gift from nature…
External Extract.
What makes Eternal Extract so amazing is that it’s the world’s first and only natural stem cell extract from special apples that can give women the skin of their dreams by targeting epidermal aging.
When applied consistently you can make your wrinkles practically invisible! It’s part of why it was included in the Facial Regeneration Cream, alongside other ingredients like resveratrol, alpha-glucan, and hydrolyzed marine collagen.
Now you can erase wrinkles and firm up thin, fragile skin around the face and neck to bring back a youthful, glowing complexion.
Let me ask you a question…
Why are wrinkles and fine lines stealing the youth and confidence of millions of women across the country?
Why is saggy skin showing up across our face, neck and jawline faster than ever before?
Why is it that we look older than our years?
The answer is simple:
It’s “Epidermal Aging” causing these ultimate signs of aging...
And we’re destined to be stuck with them forever unless we do one simple thing.
Now we all rely on stem cells to keep youth on our side.
But it’s a special set of stem cells we need more than any other to look great.
They’re called epidermal stem cells. And in case you didn’t know, these cells are found in the epidermis. That’s the outer layer of the skin. The only layer we see when we look in the mirror.
The bad news is the epidermis suffers more direct, frequent, and damaging encounters with the world than any other tissue in the body.
Diet…Alcohol…Air pollution…Smoking...
And the sun all hurt our epidermis.
Eventually...Our epidermal stem cells get tired.
The skin starts to thin at a worrying 6.4% a decade…
Which reduces firmness and thickness causing the skin to wrinkle and creating the elderly, crepey, tissue paper look none of us want.
Even worse, the epidermis starts to take forever and a day to push the healthy new skin cells that could take years off our appearance to the surface.
This explains why our skin has a lifeless feel to it and looks dull. That’s why we wake up to more wrinkles and fine lines. Plus our skin becomes loose, saggy, and thin…
We call this epidermal aging.
And women of any age can know for sure if they’re feeling the effects of epidermal aging if they see:
These are the signs of epidermal aging and we urge you not to ignore them.
But there is hope!
As research developed on plant stem cells...
Science uncovered what we believe is the key to renewing our youth, beauty and confidence at any age!
Hidden in one of the most beautiful, rural parts of Switzerland was The Uttwiler Spatlauber apple tree.
Researchers found these trees fascinating because the apples had an extraordinary shelf-life. They remained healthy, fresh and flawless for many, many months after they’d been picked.
Any slight blemish to their skin and the apples would renew themselves and look better than ever before!
Amazing, right?
This inspired scientists to ask the question...
Could stem cells from the apple help with epidermal aging?
And the answer is YES!
We used state of the art technology to put these unique stem cells into what we call Eternal Extract.
And combined it with superstar anti-aging ingredients like resveratrol, alpha-glucan, and hydrolyzed marine collagen to create CellaMD’s Facial Regeneration Cream.
It’s the #1 way to fight back against epidermal aging so you can erase wrinkles and firm up thin, fragile skin around the face and neck to bring back a youthful, glowing complexion.
Wondering how to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful?
Well there’s a secret that very few women know...
And it all starts with what scientists call desquamation.
It’s a fancy way of saying skin regeneration.
You see, if we want youthful, healthy looking skin, we need skin regeneration to happen… Fast.
Now this might sound weird...
But I want you to think of babies for a moment.
You see, as a baby we have a skin superpower. That’s because we can regenerate flawless skin in 14 days like clockwork.
But as time marches on, this skin regeneration process changes so the new healthy cells don’t travel fast enough.
The main culprit for this drastic slow down in skin cell renewal?
Well even though you might think it’s your age…
It’s not the real culprit.
It turns out it’s a near total exhaustion of our skin’s stem cell population.
And this results in a thicker layer of dead skin cells lingering on the surface of our skin creating a dull, tired appearance.
Even worse, this only makes our wrinkles, fine lines and sagging more noticeable.
So what’s the golden rule for youthful skin?
Accelerated skin regeneration.
And the good news is you can do that quickly and easily with CellaMD’s Facial Regeneration Cream.
That’s because the cream works to help increase how quickly skin cells can regenerate.
It’s all thanks to this superstar ingredient: Eternal Extract. The world’s first and only natural stem cell extract from special apples that can give women the skin of their dreams.
This skin regeneration formula is enhanced by resveratrol, alpha-glucan, and hydrolyzed marine collagen so you can get even faster results.
And the best part is you can safely and painlessly return your skin to its previous, youthful appearance in a little as weeks.
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.